Mistake Hunter


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A collaborative educational game for one to four players. Each player interacts with simple taps on one of the screen corners. Playable with either audio or visual feedback. Both modes are not concurrently compulsory; one is enough. It is a quiz game on the gender of a series of words in French. For example, in French, is the word "Agathe" preceded by a masculine "(un)" or a feminine "(une)" pronoun? A series of words are rapidly presented and players only have a few seconds to identify the right gender by tapping the screen one or two times. Players win or lose together.
For everyone, children and adults, from 6 years old and beyond.
Length of a game: a few minutes. The game is reasonably quick. Example of words featured in the game: "esquisse, estampe, évangile, exorde, extase, florilège, gélule, granule, haltère, haruspice..." and many more.
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